Other improvements are to restart the input process if the user selects to submit the information. 还有一些其他方面的改进,即当用户选择提交信息时应用程序会重新开始输入流程。
Then restart the Zend Core server and try accessing the Zend Core user interface again using the following URL: http://: ZendCore. 然后,重新启动ZendCore服务器,并使用以下URL再次尝试访问ZendCore用户界面:http://:ZendCore。
When operators restart the system, the machine automatically picks up right where it left off, resulting in significant time savings for the end user. 当操作员重新启动系统,机器在停止的地方自动起动,对终端用户就大大地节省了时间。
The current user account is not recognized. Restart the computer and then open User Accounts. 当前用户名不能被识别。重启动计算机然后打开用户帐户。